=========== DISview [518] !SYNTAX.TXT =========== Command Syntax -------------- KA9Q NET commands are given in the following notation: command command literalparameter command subcommand command [] command a | b A summary of the NET command set is included in the "DISview" file !CMDSET.TXT Many commands take subcommands or parameters, which may be optional or required. In general, if a required subcommand or parameter is omitted, an error message will summarize the available subcommands or required parameters. Giving a '?' in place of the subcommand will also generate the message. This is useful when the command word alone is a valid command. If a command takes an optional value parameter, issuing the command without the parameter generally displays the current value of the variable. Exceptions to this rule are noted in the individual command descriptions. Two or more parameters separated by vertical bar(s) denote a choice between the specified values. Optional parameters are shown enclosed in [brackets], and a parameter enclosed in should be replaced with an actual value or string. All commands and many subcommands may be abbreviated. You only need type enough of a command's name to distinguish it from others that begin with the same string of letters. Parameters, however, must be typed in full. Certain FTP subcommands (e.g. put, get, dir, etc) are recognized only in converse mode with the appropriate FTP session; they are not recognized in command mode. Entering a CR (empty line) while in command mode puts you in converse mode with the current session. If there is no current session, NET remains in command mode. Console Modes ------------- The console may be in one of two modes: command mode and converse mode. In command mode, the prompt "net>" is displayed and any of the commands described in "DISview" may be entered. In converse mode, keyboard input is processed according to the current session. Sessions come in many types, including Telnet, FTP, Ping, More, Hop and Tip. In a Telnet or Tip session, keyboard input is sent to the remote system and any output from the remote system is displayed on the console. In an FTP session, keyboard input is first examined to see if it is a known local command. If so it is executed locally. If not, it is "passed through" to the remote FTP server. (See the 'ftp' command). In a Ping session the user may test the path to a remote site, and in a More session, the user may examine a local file. A Hop session is used to trace the path taken by packets to reach a specified destination. The keyboard also has "cooked" and "raw" states. In cooked state, input is line-at-a-time; the user may use the line editing characters ^U, ^R and backspace to erase the line, redisplay the line and erase the last character, respectively. Hitting either CR or LF passes the complete line to the application. In raw state, each character is immediately passed to the application as it is typed. The keyboard is always in cooked state in command mode. It is also cooked in converse mode on an FTP session. In a Telnet session it depends on whether the remote end has issued (and the local end has accepted) the Telnet WILL ECHO option (see the 'echo' command). On the IBM PC, the user may escape back to command mode by hitting the F10 key. The escape character can be changed (see the 'escape' command). In the IBM PC version, each session (including the command 'session') has its own screen. When a new session is created, the command display is saved in memory and the screen is cleared. When the command escape key (usually F10) is hit, the current session screen is saved and the command screen is restored. When a session is resumed, its screen is restored exactly as it appeared when it was last current.